La vie en Rose

Discover the beauty of pink and roses in all their forms.

oil painting of a ratatouille plate
Ratatouille à ma façon

An easy and flavorful take on the classic, perfect with a baguette.

My Indulgent Candied Fruit Loaf Cake Recipe

Rum-soaked candied fruits and buttery richness, perfect for tea time or special celebrations.

An Evening with Proust, Madeleines, and Memories

Discover the madeleine recipe inspired by my grandmother.

The Little Things Bringing Me Comfort This Winter

From cozy knits to heartfelt recipes, books, art, and timeless treasures.

My Grandmother’s Gâteau des Rois Recipe

Perfect for celebrating Epiphany or any special occasion.

A Gentle Welcome to 2025

Find inspiration for a fresh and meaningful start.

The Best Tiramisu Recipe I’ve Ever Tried

Easy, delicious recipe, and with just 6 ingredients.

A Few Things I’m Loving This Fall

Unique finds from chic Parisian brands and much more.

Embracing Fall in Bordeaux with Cozy Rituals & Comforting Scents

My favorite fall moments, from warm hot chocolate to soothing candles.

Halloween Chic Décor? Oui, Merci!

A chic, French-inspired Halloween décor with subtle gothic touches.